Filming in Zagreb Free for Domestic Filmmakers, Reduced Prices for International Productions
Measures to help the domestic audiovisual industry, which suffered heavy losses due to the pandemic, are more than necessary
In support of the resumption of international and national audiovisual production in Croatia, the Mayor of Zagreb approved the request by the Zagreb Film Office to abolish or reduce the rental prices of public spaces in the city of Zagreb.
"Although the earthquake changed the appearance of Zagreb as a film setting, it still stands proudly and I am sure that our diligent film workers will continue to find inspiration for their films in it. All domestic film productions can be shot for free as long as the measures related to COVID-19 are in force. The Zagreb Film Office is at their disposal for all information and further assistance", Milan Bandić, the Mayor of Zagreb said.
The Croatian audiovisual industry has suffered great losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with all of the international productions delayed and most of the cinemas still closed. Additionally, a devastating earthquake hit Zagreb on 22 March 2020, significantly damaging the city centre. For security reasons, the number of permitted shootings in public areas in the city centre will be reduced until further notice.
This is why the Zagreb Film Office asked the Mayor's Office to abolish and reduce the rental prices of public spaces in the city of Zagreb through the following measures: approval of the shooting of national films on public areas owned by the City of Zagreb free of charge until the end of COVID-19 measures; approval of filming of international coproductions and productions with 50 percent discount on the cost of fees until the end of COVID-19 measures; approval of shooting commercials with a 50 percent discount on the cost of fees until the end of COVID-19 measures.
"Measures to help the domestic audiovisual industry, which suffered heavy losses due to the pandemic, are more than necessary. The Zagreb Film Office is in daily contact with city authorities and productions. The above measures, which were approved by the Mayor Mr. Milan Bandić, will certainly help national productions, and hopefully also international ones", said Mia Pećina Drašković, Head of the Zagreb Film Office.
The year 2019 was a record year for international productions in Croatia, and the local spend amounted to over 50.6 m EUR / over 377 m HRK. Before the coronavirus crisis put an end to l filming activities, Croatian film officials expected to reach further records in 2020.
In additional attempts to overcome the crisis, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre recently issued a public call for support for additional filming costs caused by the COVID-19 epidemic.
"We welcome the Zagreb Film Office's initiative, which is a positive message and a concrete contribution to the film industry. Such support will further make Zagreb a desirable location for filming”, said Chris Marcich, Head of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre.
Source: Film New Europe / Milena Zajović